WELCOME! The Rhody Day Dinkers started in January of 2023 with a small group of ten players. Most were new to pickleball at that time. We got together at a small church gym on the Cranston/South Providence line to learn the rules and start working on strategy. We put down tape to define the court parameters and the church provided a portable net. Soon after, we developed a logo and had tee shirts printed up, which helped to solidify the group. Then came small off-court gatherings with food and Prosecco (our signature drink). Members come and members go, but the Rhody Day Dinkers remain a fun and happy group. Most of the original members are still with us.

Sport Pickleball
Home city Rhode Island
Team members 16
Team has no upcoming events. Please sign in to add a new event.



This is a private group, so only share with new folks after securing the approval of the current members.

Joining is by invitation only. Password to join is RDD  

Any member of the group can add a game or drill session. When you do, be sure to add date, time, and court location.

We can also plan tournaments here, so let's think about when we should hold our inaugural tourney.